Thankyou Coupons for WooCommerce

Thankyou Coupons For WooCommerce PRO

Encourage loyalty and repeat purchases by offering a personalised coupon code on the checkout thankyou page.

The checkout thankyou page is often neglected as a place for encouraging re-engagement to drive conversions, however it is a perfect place as the customer is only two clicks away from completing another purchase!
Usage per user and per coupon
Allow free shipping
Generate a personalised coupon based on the customers billing first name
Choose between a percentage or fixed cart amount discount
Control creation in conjunction with other coupons
Set a coupon expiry date
Choose the color of the coupon to match your theme
Set your own personalised message to appear on the thankyou page
Email coupons to customers
Display coupon as modal popup
Specify a minimum spend amount


1 Site Licence
7 Day Free Trial
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5 Site Licence
7 Day Free Trial
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30 Site Licence
7 Day Free Trial
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